Welcome to Spuddlebug Coaching

Life Coaching for folks with ADHD and other forms of Neurodivergence

(from someone who gets it)

Neurodivergent adults face a unique set of challenges.

ADHD, “High-Functioning” Autism, Dyslexia, and other neurodiverse states of being can make even the most common, everyday activities feel like insurmountable challenges.

It doesn’t have to be that way for you.

Yes, your brain is a jerk sometimes. And yes, some things will always be harder for you than they are for your neurotypical friends and co-workers.

But that doesn’t mean your brain is bad or wrong or broken, and it doesn’t mean you’ll be stuck where you are forever. It just means you’ll have to get creative, dig deep, and figure out what truly motivates you.

Spuddlebug Coaching can help.

How can YOU benefit from working with Spuddlebug Coaching?

You’ll have a Coach that understands what living with a Neurodivergent brain is like.

Why? Because your Coach (that’s me!) is also Neurodivergent! You’ll get real, judgement-free support from someone that understands how the complex struggles you face can manifest at work, at home, and even in your own mind.

You choose from a variety of session types designed to meet you where you’re most comfortable.

Pick what works for you…email-based coaching, virtual/Zoom coaching, phone sessions, weekly in-person sessions (subject to Covid restrictions), monthly check-ins, or something more customized. I work with clients nationwide from offices in Austin, TX and offer flexible hours so we can chat when you’re your best you..

You don’t have to do it alone.

Working with a Coach will look very different from person to person, but the most important thing you’ll get from Spuddlebug, without fail, is my full support. And no, not just the fluffy, “Go Team GO!” kind of support (though there will be some of that as well, I’m sure)…I mean the type of support you need to define your goals, spot your challenges, and design personalized systems that set you up for real success – now and always. 

LEt’s Stay in Touch!

Drop your email in the box for the occasional Spuddlebug update, along with the latest news in the world of neurodivergent productivity!


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